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What will happen with Australia’s populations without overseas migration at all?

March 29, 2017
With zero net overseas migration, that is, the same number of people leaving the country as arriving in it, Australia`s total population would depend solely on natural increase...

The 20 cheapest and most expensive countries in the world

April 01, 2017
The map (Which you can find following the link) shows the world according to Numbeo's cost of living survey, which takes into account the price of around 50 items, including ...


March 09, 2017
Every job hunting project requires a lot of research work, which some people find hard to accomplish. Indeed, there is a lot (but sometimes not enough information) on the matter, ...

Do immigrants improve the health of native workers?

March 13, 2017
Public debate on immigration focuses on its effects on wages and employment, yet the discussion typically fails to consider the effects of immigration on working conditions that affect workers’ health. ...

Holding an Australian passport doesn`t necessarily mean you are an Australian citizen

March 13, 2017
I am in the middle of a partner migration case, where it is important that the child of the relationship is deemed an Australian citizen. This is despite the fact ...

Who are your newest neighbours?

March 26, 2017
Since the migration of British colonial settlers in the 18th century, Australia’s population has grown rapidly to 24 million. Approximately 200, 000 migrants receive permanent visas each year, though almost ...

Parent visas cost time and money

March 15, 2017
Most parent visa applicants face a long wait. It can take anywhere up to 50 years to be approved for a parent visa in Australia. There are two main parent ...

The World Bank is betting on mass migration driving the global economy

July 07, 2016
The impact of mass migration has hit headlines around the world in recent months, but according to the World Bank, the benefits of large-scale immigration could drive forward the global ...

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What will happen with Australia’s populations without overseas migration at all?

The 20 cheapest and most expensive countries in the world


Do immigrants improve the health of native workers?

Holding an Australian passport doesn`t necessarily mean you are an Australian citizen

Who are your newest neighbours?

Parent visas cost time and money

The World Bank is betting on mass migration driving the global economy